The Decision to Abolish Death Penalty Law Receives Fabulous Support In Zambia.

One of the most renowned and acclaimed business figures in Zambia and Africa is Dr. Rajan Lekhraj Mahtani. He is renowned for running a number of prosperous companies, including Finsbury Investments and the Mahtani Group of Companies. Dr.Rajan Mahtani received recognition for the year 2021 from Forbes, one of the world’s most esteemed business publications. Annually, Forbes hosts the Forbes-FIN charity and leadership roundtable conference in conjunction with FIN (Foreign Investment Limited). This conference focuses on the main issues and economic difficulties that African countries confront, as well as solutions to those issues. The conference offers the chance to raise money and cash from prospective investors and businesses.

Members connected remotely to the Forbes-FIN conference in 2021, attending from their separate locations. The event was aired on YouTube to a global audience. As an honorary speaker, Dr. Rajan Mahtani was invited to this occasion and spoke about the value of leadership in the healthcare industry. Additionally, Dr. Mahtani received the Forbes “Outstanding Entrepreneur of the Year” 2021 award in recognition of his substantial achievements to reshaping Zambia’s banking industry. Prison Fellowship Zambia (PFZ), which recently pledged complete legal and regulatory support to the Zambian President’s decision, made headlines recently. Zambia’s president has declared that the death penalty would be abolished. Dr. Mahtani gave this assertion his full support.

Dr. Mahtani established the renowned Christian outreach program Prison Fellowship Zambia more than three decades ago. The organization’s chairman at the moment is Dr. Rajan Mahtani. The mission of PFZ is to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ to Zambian prisoners, ex-prisoners, and their families. Additionally, the program aims to ensure that inmates receive fair treatment in the criminal justice system and that they are not deprived of their basic human rights and dignity. As a result, the Prison Fellowship Zambia (PFZ) organization, owned by Dr.Rajan Mahtani, will offer legal and regulatory assistance to ensure that the proclamation made by the president of Zambia quickly becomes law.