Dr. Rajan Lekhraj Mahtani Wins ‘Best Of Africa” Awards

Dr. Rajan Mahtani


The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has certainly created chaotic environment across the globe. However, the world is slowly turning towards normality with business events and functions going on as usual. However, one of the critical change which can be seen is the process of the events. For instance, majority of the events are taking place online. The Forbes and FIN (Foreign Investment Network) recently conducted its annual roundtable business conference for the year 2021. It was one of the most anticipated business events in Zambia as it not only invited top business leaders and visionaries from across the African continent, but also provides a platform for financial support and funding. Unlike the regular event which takes place offline, this year’s event took place online wherein participants and speakers attended the event from their respective positions.

Dr. Rajan Lekhraj Mahtani, a noted business magnate and philanthropist in Zambia, was invited to this event as a honorary speaker. Dr. Rajan Mahtani attended the event from his office and spoke about the importance of leadership in healthcare, particularly political leadership and its significance in growth and development of the sector.

Along with the critical business event, the roundtable conference was also noted for the famous Forbes ‘Best of Africa’ awards. It is one of the most anticipated business awards which is given to leading lights across politics, innovation, business, leadership as well as economy. The business award is regarded highly among business leaders and analysts for several reasons. First, the award is presented by Forbes which is one of the top business magazines across the globe. Secondly, the awardees are selected after rigorous selection process which includes verifications, background checks as well as interviewees with the participants to understanding their perceptions and visions towards philanthropy and leadership.

For his significant contributions towards the growth and development of Zambian nation as well as redefining the banking sector of Zambia, Dr. Rajan Lekhraj Mahtani was presented with the Forbes ‘Entrepreneur of the Year award 2021.